среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


Jun 5, 3: You change code from util-java, but put it into util-bridges? Email Required, but never shown. The files that the build process is complaining about are exactly the files that the create-script automatically starts an ext plugin with. Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. liferay portal 6.1.0

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liferay portal 6.1.0

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Email Required, but never shown. Thank you very much for your edits and comments sir. The files that the build process complains about are modified from different ext-plugins.

Here is my Tomcat log. I was wrong about util-bridges but it's not enough.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Olaf Kock Olaf Kock I think I should put Normalizer.

Liferay ext plugin — rewriting java class in util-java Ask Question. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

liferay portal 6.1.0

I followed this instructions and able to do ant clean. Try again with "ant deploy" Edit 3: How do we portaal problem users? I double checked my properties.

Liferay Portal p_r_p cross site scripting

FelixChristy thanks for reply. Post as a guest Name. Deployment will start in a few seconds. And all Liferay gurus acting like it's very simple. Please check properties in the question. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

Got the same lideray as from ant buid. You can have as many ext plugins as you like, but every file can only be overridden contained in one ext plugin.

liferay portal 6.1.0

Try again with "ant deploy". Try putting it in ext-util-java.

I did ant deploy. By removing any files not really necessary from an ext porta, it will be easier to use along with other Ext plugins. Can this be because wrong time setttings on WM with Liferay? The files that the build process is complaining about are exactly the files that the create-script automatically starts an ext plugin with.

You should only remove the unrequired files in the plugin - not the directories. I tried create new ext project and there is no src lfieray there too.

Looks like Liferay can't find my zip file.


I tried ant clean-app-server direct-deploy. Sign up using Email and Password. There is still bug in my portal.

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